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Our Initiatives


Initiative #1

We are currently working on solutions for potential water problems with so many drought years recently.

Initiative # 2

We work very closely with our NPS and Wawona Fire to keep ourselves, families, and homes safe in the event of a fire.

Initiative #3

We have worked very closely with PG&E and the Park Service in communicating about the felling of so many dead pine trees and their removal.


Initiative # 4

We have sent email blasts to all members, notifying them of Park closures and restrictions, and events going on in Wawona during the COVID pandemic.

Initiative #5

We sent out emails about the Mono wind storm in January 2021 and compiled a list of contractors available for repairs, which we sent to all members.


Initiative #6

We also participated in securing a grant for Fuels Reduction through the Wildlife Conservation Board, for all private and NPS lots in Wawona.

We sent out a Right of Entry form for homeowners to fill out – allowing a professional forester to conduct work on their property. The work of picking up logs and fallen debris will start in the summer of 2022.


Initiative #7

We follow any news about fire insurance in wildfire prone areas (Wawona) and keep abreast of any news about CA funding for fire prevention and home hardening. We are hoping to find grants available to help with hardening, once the state money starts being allocated.


Initiative #8

We support the Wawona School (Yosemite Wawona Elementary Charter School) with donations and help with fundraising.


WAPPOA has 3 General Meetings each yearmid April, early June and mid October – which are held in the Community Center. All property owners and their guests are welcome to attend. We usually have speakers from the NPS, Mariposa County, NPS Fire, the Wawona School, UC Merced Field Station, the Redwoods and the Wawona Hotel.

WAPPOA has approximately 220 “active” property owners, who pay dues of $40 per year. The dues help support community projects such as the Yosemite Wawona School, the Barn Dances, our Wawona Firefighters (donations to Wildland Firefighters Foundation and any other support they may need), and community events, i.e., our annual picnic in October and our “Roots of Wawona” history sessions.


If you have any questions, comments or would like to become a member, please don't hesitate to reach out using the contact form.