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Wawona Town Planning Advisory Committee

The Wawona Town Planning Advisory Committee (WTPAC) was established by Mariposa County to act as an advisory body to the Mariposa County Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors for the following purposes:

● To review and amend the Wawona Town Planning Area Specific Plan, in order to develop and maintain community involvement in sound planning in the Wawona Town Planning Area as defined by the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors.

●  To foster a comprehensive program of community preservation and enhancement aimed at providing the maximum of public input and consensus on planning issues in the Wawona Area.

●  To represent community views in matters historically identified with sound development including, but not restricted to land uses, public services, circulation, public improvements and other aspects of orderly town growth.

●  To serve as a resource group to provide guidance and assistance to identify community issues and concerns and to discuss possible solutions to the many planning and policy issues facing the community and the Board of Supervisors.

●  To provide a community perspective in planning, cooperatively with the National Park Service, for plans, projects and programs within the Wawona Area.

●  To hold meetings and make recommendations to the Mariposa County Planning Commission and the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors and also to report to the Planning commission on matters that are within their purview as well as to the Board of Supervisors on matters, issues, projects and programs in the Wawona Town Planning Area.

● If you would like to know more about WTPAC, including meeting agendas, minutes, membership, etc. please visit the Mariposa, California website and search under Government, Committees, Wawona Town Planning Advisory Committee.

Visit Mariposa California | Go to the Meeting Group dropdown and click on Wawona Town Planning Advisory Committee


If you have any questions, comments or would like to become a member, please don't hesitate to reach out using the contact form.